

7 in stock

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Bartlett is the number one selling pear in the world.  They are common in commercial orchards due to their exceptional shelf-life, large fruit and sweet flavor. This variety of pear tree also has a longer harvest season than many other pear trees; you can enjoy these delicious fruits from late July through September.

Bartlett is an ideal pear tree to grow at home despite its longer harvest time. These pears are easy to grow and maintain. These pears require less pruning than other varieties, so they are perfect for people who enjoy growing their own fruit but who don’t have much gardening experience.

Self-fertile, but yields increase with cross pollination.

On OHxF97 rootstock, tree will mature around 15ft. Trees are 1 year whips that will be approximately 4ft tall at pickup.

Sold as a bareroot tree (not potted) in early spring with pickups from April 27-May 5th.